Enoki Mushroom Wraps

Props to Wiki for this:
Enokitake, also Enokidake or Enoki is a long, thin white mushroom used in East Asian cuisine. These mushrooms are cultivars of Flammulina velutipes, also known by the name, golden needle mushroom or lily mushroom.
I like mushrooms and it's always an exciting time whenever I come across something I haven't tried. In the case of Enoki, I've only seen it in Japanese/Korean restaurants. There's a canned version in supermarkets but I haven't tried those.

Enoki mushroom has a mild taste (almost bland) and can be boiled with soup, fried to a crisp, grilled or eaten raw.

This is best eaten right off the pan, otherwise the mushrooms would get rubbery. If that happens, you can always re-fry and eat it crispy.

Enoki Wraps

Prep time: | Cook time: | Total time:

Enoki mushrooms, bottom portion cut off
1/4 large white onion, julienned
bacon slices (unse plain or smoked; not sweet/maple flavored ones)
ground pepper
salt (optional)

1. Assemble mushrooms and a few slices of onion and wrap in bacon.
2. Secure the wraps with a barbecue stick or toothpick.
3. Heat up the frying pan (a stove-top grill is good, too).
4. Cook the wraps on medium heat for about 4 minutes on each side, or until the bacon is cooked.
5. Season with salt and pepper.
6. Remove barbecue stick before serving.

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